Contact Info
For any additional details, collaboration requests etc., please contact i3C Committee Chairs.
Terry Dwyer
Steering Committee Chair
Elaine Urbina
Ancillary Studies Committee Chair
Requests for use of i3C data or biospecimens or access to the i3C Cohorts for collection of new data can be directed to the Ancillary Studies Committee by emailing or calling +1 513 636 8265.
The International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort Consortium (i3C) held its latest annual meeting on 12 – 14 October 2023, kindly hosted by the Tulane School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine in New Orleans, U.S.A.
The members discussed scientific progress that had been made with the first clinical outcome related publication from the consortium on the associations between childhood risk factors and adult cardiovascular disease appearing in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2022.
Since that time there have been several papers published / in press, on various aspects of this important relationship, while others have been submitted. Some have investigated in greater detail the role of individual risk factors, and others have attempted to more clearly sort out the relative contributions of child and adult risk factors to the occurrence of CVD in middle age.
The meeting also discussed a large number of future papers and possible grants.